Anloga NCCE embarks on an educational tour to District Court

The Civic Education Club (CEC) of the Anloga Atiehipe M/A Basic School has embarked on an educational tour of the Anloga Magistrate Court. The reason for the tour, among other things, was to fundamentally allow the students to witness for themselves how proceedings are undertaken in the Courtroom.

Interacting with the participants, Mr. Gideon Fiafor acknowledged the need for students to be familiarized with the basic terminologies to help them understand and appreciate the Court proceedings. As a result of this, she briefly explained the basic terms and jargons used in the courtroom and ended by educating them on the processes one has to go through when submitting a case at the Courts.

Students were also briefed on the various types of civil and criminal cases that is handled at the Magistrate Courts by the Court Interpreter, Ms Roselove Agyemang. Since all the participants were below eighteen years old, the Court Clerk found it imperative to throw more light on what a juvenile court is. She described the Juvenile Court as a specialized division within the Judicial System, tasked with adjudicating cases involving underage defendants, typically between the ages of 12 and 18 in Ghana. She further explained some of the basic terminologies associated with this type of court as well, and urged the students to be of good behaviour wherever they find themselves.

The District Magistrate, Her Worship Rejoice Aseye Gadagoe implored the students to be assertive, particularly in circumstances that infringe on their rights and freedoms in their homes and communities. She bemoaned the level of lawlessness among the youth in the district and assured that the Court would always be available to help curb this unfortunate menace. Her Worship further admonished the students, especially the girls to report anyone who uses manipulative means to lure them into engaging in immoral acts with them.

Her Worship Rejoice Aseye finally commended the Anloga District Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for the initiative and looked forward to having more such engagements.


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