The Upper East Regional Acting Director of the NCCE, Mr. Joseph Kwaku Yeboah has charged Ghanaians to report corrupt practices to the appropriate authorities mandated to handle corruption related matters. The institutions are: Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), and Police.

Speaking at a programme organised at Sumbrungu a suburb of Bolgatanga Municipality for Guinea Fowls Framers and Association on Anti-Corruption Rule of Law and Accountability program (ARAP) under National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP), Mr. Yeboah said citizens should shun corruption, report corrupt practices and most importantly demand accountability from duty bearers in order to fast-track development of the country.

According to Mr. Yeboah, the NCCE with support from the European Union is implementing ARAP under NACAP to sensitise the citizenry to combat corrupt acts in the country.

He stressed that the NCCE through effective collaboration and synergy with other key partners namely the Judiciary, the Ghana Police Service, the Attorney General’s Department, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the media in the fight against corruption would execute ARAP using three-pronged approach namely prevention, education and enforcement.

He cited the by the Auditor General’s, NCCE’s survey on corruption conducted and Ghana Integrity initiative to explain how the canker is pervasive in the country.

We live in society where the general public admire and respect wealth without regard to how and where such wealth is acquired. Bureaucracy in public service and low salaries, greed and selfishness have also contributed to corruption in society”, he added.

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