Asunafo North NCCE sensitises first-time voters on peaceful elections

The Asunafo North Municipal Office of NCCE, together with one staff from the Regional Office has undertaken a sensitisation programme at Ahafoman Senior High Technical School at Goaso on the theme, "Together we can build Ghana so Get Involved ".

The programme was targeted at first-time voters, to call for peace during and after the 2024 General Elections in December.

Mr. Harris Quansah, the Officer in Charge of the Municipal Office, appreciated the opportunity given to NCCE to meet the students. He highlighted that this year is an election year, and it is the responsibility of every qualified Ghanaian to vote during the elections. He then cited Article 21(1a, c, e, and 3) as well as Articles 35 (9), 42,55 and 56 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, which all grant legal rights and opportunity to every Ghanaian to join any lawful religious sect, association and political party of his or her choice without any discrimination.

Mr. Harris Quansah, speaking to first-time voters, advised the students to be more vigilant, desist from vote buying, misinformation and fake news, and also resist violent politicians as all these actions undermine our democracy. He then emphasized that the students should not allow any politician to influence them with money to make wrong decisions. This will ensure that the right leaders are elected and also reduce corruption.

Again, Mr. Atta Yeboah Kofi (CEO), from the Ahafo Regional Office of NCCE emphasized fake news, stating that fake news or misinformation usually comes from social media, so they should be careful of whatever they see on social media before sharing. He concluded that they should all go out in their numbers to exercise their franchise if only they had registered as voters as it is their sacred constitutional right to vote.


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