Adansi Asokwa NCCE Urges Key Institutions to Safeguard Peace Ahead of 2024 Elections During IPDC Launch

A call has been extended to institutions like the Electoral Commission (EC), political parties, traditional authorities, the media, and religious leaders to play their expected roles well to ensure the sustainability of peace in the country before, during, and after the 2024 general elections, scheduled for December 2024.

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has re-emphasized the importance of every citizen enjoying the peace currently present in the country.

Speaking during the inaugural ceremony of the Inter-Party Dialogue Committee at Adansi Asokwa on Thursday, August 29, 2024, the District Director, Jacqueline Mahu, indicated that it takes all sides to make it work, stressing that even a small mistake can jeopardize the peace we need.

“We all need peace and, therefore, must work efficiently towards achieving it. Let’s all work on achieving it and make the country proud.”

The event, which included political representatives, religious leaders, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and others, featured District Police Commander Edmund Nyamekye, who assured that his institution is prepared to prevent any violence, emphasizing their commitment to protecting the outer, middle, and inner perimeters of the voting arena.

The District Electoral Officer, Anastasia Augusina Nketsiah, highlighted some electoral offenses, such as tampering with ballot boxes, and reminded everyone that such acts are punishable by law. She urged all to avoid participating in any electoral offense to avoid legal consequences.

Lily Ampofoa Annor, the Chief Field Officer (CFO) of the NCCE, speaking on misinformation and disinformation, emphasized the need to fact-check every piece of information encountered, especially on social media, to avoid being misled by false information. According to her, this is crucial to avoid deception.

During the open forum session, members present, after the selection of committee leaders, shared ideas and suggestions on how to conduct the elections peacefully as they are just a few months away.

The event was a success, with the NCCE team, including Francis Arthur (CEO) and Annabel Boatemaa, playing the role of MC, with the latter giving the vote of thanks.


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