We need a strong, free, fearless and confident media to sustain Ghana’s Democracy - NCCE

Chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education, Ms. Kathleen Addy, has called for a strong, free, fearless and confident media to help sustain Ghana’s democracy. Speaking at ‘Joy FM’s National Dialogue on Defending Media Freedom’ in Accra, the Chairperson of NCCE, Ms. Kathleen Addy, endorsed media freedom and entreated the public to play active roles in defending media freedom.

Ms. Addy spoke about the role of the media in Ghana’s democracy, saying, ‘For our democracy to thrive, we must acknowledge the need for a strong media and ensure that journalists practice the profession in a free society.’ Ms. Addy said persons who attacked the media must be punished to help reduce attacks on the media. She called for media accountability and political accountability.

On the upcoming general election, Ms. Addy called on stakeholders to promote peace and spoke against electoral violence and political intolerance. ‘This is not an election where we are shedding blood. Nobody, no politician, no political party, no political godfather, godmother is worth your blood for. Let’s discuss further how we can ensure that during the elections no one lives under the threat of electoral violence.

Ms. Addy also spoke on misinformation and disinformation and cautioned about the threat mis/disinformation poses to Ghana’s democracy. ‘Fake news, misinformation and disinformation is a threat not only to our democracy but to the State’, Ms. Addy added.


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