NCCE Educates Methodist Men's Fellowship and the Susana Wesley Methodist Auxiliary on Preventing Electoral Violence

It was what can be described as an educative, informative and interactive session when the Greater Accra Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education, Fredrick Mawuli Agbenu engaged members of the Methodist Men's Fellowship and the Susana Wesley Methodist Auxiliary at the Resurrection Methodist Church at Adenta in Accra.

Mr. Agbenu of the @NCCE was invited to educate the groups on "Electoral Violence and its Effects" as Ghana gets ready for election 2024.

Mr. Agbenu addressed the issue of Electoral violence, the causes, the effects, the role of citizens and state institutions in preventing violence during elections and other general civic and voter education.

The role of religious organisations in promoting peaceful and violence free elections this year cannot be underestimated.

Again, the role of religious organisations in safeguarding Ghana’s democracy remain crucial in our democratic space.

The NCCE will continue to leverage on its relationship and connections with Faith-Based Organisations in Ghana as well as other partners to educate Ghanaians on their civic rights and responsibilities and intensify awareness creation on the need for citizens to play active roles to sustain Ghana’s democracy.

Mr. Mawuli Agbenu was accompanied and supported by the Deputy Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs, Rita Amparbin.


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